Thursday, March 10, 2011


 As some of you may know, John and I have been doing IVF (in vitro fertilization) at the University of Utah. This requires shots in the stomach. Woof. When I received the first order of fertility medication, I was like WOW.
This was intimidating and very overwhelming.. I had to do 1 little insulin needle shot in my tums and I was petrified. So I did that for 10 days and things were fine. Then I get the rest.......

Ummmm...what did I sign up for?? This is insane. Three of these shots every night.
Are you kidding?? The one on the right was like a little pen thingy that kinda hurt. The one in the middle is the little insulin needle with the Lupron that I had given myself from day one. The one on the very left I have to mix a liquid and a powder together and switch the needle. Thank goodness for the needle switch. The mixing needle is 1.5 inches and I was gonna faint when they whipped that baby out to show me. Then they were like o honey just wait for your HCG and progesterone shot. Those puppies ARE 1.5 inches that you stick in your bum. Actually JOHN has to stick ya. O and PS- the one on the left is going to leave welts and bruises. SOOO exciting! 

Then it was blood test time... to see when my little angel eggs could be retrieved. Two ultrasounds and blood tests later, we retrieved the egglings. Can I just say that after double dosage of the amnesia IV and pain meds, momma was still awake and in PAIN. That was traumatizing but worth it.

After all that trauma, it was the waiting game. Waiting for my little egglings to get violated by the spermlings. And violated they did. Out of the 8 egglings,7 actually fertilized (GO TEAM!). Out of those 7, 2 did good. And out of the 2, 1 did super amazing!! The rest kinda died out and we only got to end up freezing one. That's exciting!! So on Tuesday, we implanted our baby embryos during which Princess Bride music was blaring and Annie Lennox was gracing us. Look at my cute little babies.
Aren't they adorable?? The one up top is the fantastic one! Go embryo GO!!!! So now I am on bed rest (woof) and we are just hanging out, the embryos and me. Hopefully they attached their little embryo hands to my fancy uterus and hang on tightly.
See this puppy?? Every night at 8:30 I get to have sexy time with Harv and he gets to stick this baby in my bum. It's so hot. I gotta have this until 10 weeks prego. Yay! I'm bruised to say the least.

It's so crazy because a year to the day I found out I miscarried, was our implant day. There is a plan people. There is no doubt about it. I am confident that regardless of the outcome, everything is going to be ok. I am lucky to have gone through this experience. I don't think that anything can phase me or John. I just think, it could be worse. Because in all situations, someone, somewhere has it worse. I am just plain lucky.

1 comment:

  1. This is so exciting, and so very scary! I feel like I'm looking into my future! Good luck and I hope it sticks! Go, baby, go!
